QUESTION: What enjoyable activity can you do by yourself without using your eyes?
ANSWER : It's not what you think, pervert! haha. Seriously, I can't think of any.
I've been visionally impaired for almost two weeks and it's soooooo boring! I can't read, can't watch tv, can't go to cinema, can't work, can't stare(stalk) on the computer! (Ooops!how I was able to post this blog if i can't use the computer??? ssshhh.. this is just for a while,bear with me pleeaassee!) I can't even go out to roam around town or at least sit on the park because it's hard for me to stare at daylight. sigh... All i've been doing for the past few days are sleep, snore, zzzz, snooze, nap, think, stare at my ceiling, contemplate and pray for my eye to get well soon.
And i really hope and pray it will be better soon. it's really hard to be sick when you're away from home, when you're away from your family and my baby. i miss my mom or alvin taking care of me when i'm sick. now, i have no choice but to take care of myself. i have to cook my food, iron my clothes, do the laundry, clean my room etc. even i'm sick. aaaaaaw i have to stop all of this emotional whining because another thing i can't do right now - i can't cry...