Sunday, September 21, 2008

the mind game continues

i can't...
i can't stop...
i can't stop thinking...


i survived the past nine months...
i've been surviving...
i will survive for the next nine months...

fingers crossed!


i've been to a place before where I enjoyed so much. It was like a dream holiday which you don't want to end. I liked the place that I still think of going back there.

But I can't because I know I can't stay there. It's just a place for holiday, it's not my home.

...and home is where my heart is.


Friday, September 19, 2008


my mind is so all over the place and have a lot of thoughts. i don't know where to start this blog. i don't know how to say it. i just want to pour out everything or at least some of this crappy thoughts before these explode.

but i have no time. and i dont have the energy. and the right words.

and im sleepy. so hopefully next time. i can say it all.


i'm lost...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

waaahhh!!! i want the script tickets!!!