Wednesday, April 22, 2009

the light

I know... It's been a while I havent post a blog. No new post for a month, that's a record!

It's actually a good thing when i dont have a new post. Normally, I am more inspired to write when I'm depressed, sad or there's something I want to tell that I cant tell directly. Obviously, I am not sad neither depressed. :)

But anyway, I need to update this blog. This is actually my nth attempt for a new post since the last one, hope I can finish it now...

There's a rainbow after the rain!

When He closes a door, He opens a window!

Happiness is a choice and I chose to be happy!

Everything happens for a reason!

Those are only some of the lines I currently lived by. Exactly my point, my current state! At first, and my blog witnessed it, I felt so low and depressed when this thing happened. I asked a lot of questions, I wondered why this happened to me when everything in my life is in its right place. I searched for answers and for reasons. And thankfully, through a lot of self psycho-analyzing, soul searching, advices from friends and family, and of course prayers...I found the answers. I saw the light.

There is a better plan for me, for my life. There's a window that He opened for me to have the happiness I've been pursuing.

Everything now in my life fall into places again. It might not be the way I planned before but I trust it's better because I never felt this happy and blessed with this 'new plan'.